A Tour of Programmed: Rules, Codes, and Choreographies in Art, 1965–2018 at the Whitney
Date & Time
Tuesday, October 23, 2018, 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
A Tour of Programmed: Rules, Codes, and Choreographies in Art, 1965–2018 at the Whitney
Hosted by the Whitney

Join the Whitney’s adjunct curator of digital art, Christiane Paul, for an exclusive tour of the current exhibition, “Programmed: Rules, Codes, and Choreographies in Art, 1965–2018.” The show expands the genre of “programmed” art beyond the digital to encompass paintings, drawings, sculptures, videos, and large-scale installations that explore the artistic possibilities of rules, algorithms, and code. Taken from the Museum’s collection, the show brings together key works and projects that have never been shown before, highlighting the breadth of the collection and providing new perspectives. Paul, the co-curator of the show, will host a Q&A following the tour.

Session Type
Fast Track
Time Block
BLOCK 2 – Morning
Original cap:
A Tour of Programmed: Rules, Codes, and Choreographies in Art, 1965–2018 at the Whitney
Hosted by the Whitney
Approx. travel time by mass transit:
From Convene: 30 min
From 92Y: 40 min