Full Name
Bilal Grinstead Daaou
Politecnico di Milano
Bilal Daaou is a Management engineering student in Milan.
After years of associationism, he decided to run for city council of Sesto San Giovanni and to be involved in politics.
Due to this experience, he combined the political commitment with his passion for innovation.
Since 2018, he is a member of Democratic Party Direction of Milan's city. In the same year he has been the M101 co-founder, a multi-purpose space and a political laboratory that wants to became the landmark for the Milan’s needs and ideas.
After years of associationism, he decided to run for city council of Sesto San Giovanni and to be involved in politics.
Due to this experience, he combined the political commitment with his passion for innovation.
Since 2018, he is a member of Democratic Party Direction of Milan's city. In the same year he has been the M101 co-founder, a multi-purpose space and a political laboratory that wants to became the landmark for the Milan’s needs and ideas.